
G&A Stormwater Initiatives 601

Over the past couple of years, a new MS4 requirement was introduced by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) – Pollutant Reduction Plans (PRP). PRPs are being implemented in an effort to clean up our streams and reduce the amount of sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants from entering these waterways on a daily basis. Since their implementation, G&A has taken an active role within the MS4 community to aid our clients by creating PRPs utilizing state-of-the-art technology.

The Technologies Behind Our Success

For More G&A Stormwater Initiative articles click below:

G&A Stormwater Initiatives 101: Pollutant Reduction Plans – Planning for Success

G&A Stormwater Initiatives 201: Is Funding Holding Up Your Stormwater Project?

G&A Stormwater Initiatives 301: Field Services: Permit Compliance And Taking The Next Step

G&A Stormwater Initiatives 401: Is An Upgrade All You Need?

G&A Stormwater Initiatives 501: Need MS4 Training?  G&A Has You Covered!